Unlock Your DevOps Potential with the Public Preview of the DevTunnel CLI!

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What is DevTunnel?

DevTunnel is a command-line tool that provides an easy way to access development resources running in Azure from your local development environment.

What’s New?

Microsoft has announced the public preview of the DevTunnel CLI. This new tool allows developers to quickly and securely connect to their Azure resources from their local development environment.

Key Features

The DevTunnel CLI provides the following features:

  • Securely connects to Azure resources from a local development environment
  • Provides a secure, encrypted tunnel between the local and remote resources
  • Supports multiple authentication methods
  • Supports multiple Azure services

Getting Started

To get started with the DevTunnel CLI, developers must install the DevTunnel CLI on their local development environment. Once installed, developers can use the DevTunnel CLI to securely connect to their Azure resources.

“The DevTunnel CLI provides an easy way to securely access development resources running in Azure from your local development environment,” said Microsoft.

The DevTunnel CLI provides developers with an easy way to securely access development resources running in Azure from their local development environment. With the public preview of the DevTunnel CLI, developers can quickly and securely connect to their Azure resources from their local development environment. The DevTunnel CLI supports multiple authentication methods and Azure services, making it easy for developers to get started.

Key points from the article:

  • Securely connect to the Azure network
  • Debug applications in real time
  • Easily test and troubleshoot applications
  • Reduce time spent on debugging
  • Integrate with existing Azure tools and services
  • From the Azure Developer Community Blog