Windows Enhances Recall Feature on Copilot+ PCs: A Leap in AI-Driven Productivity, Privacy, and Security

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****Windows unveils updates for the Recall preview on Copilot+ PCs, enhancing setup, privacy, and security. This feature offers a visual timeline of past activities, with robust control over snapshot storage and encryption, aiming for a transformative AI experience.—

“`html Revolutionizing Recall: A Deep Dive into Copilot+ PCs’ Latest Feature

Introducing Recall for Copilot+ PCs: A New Era of Productivity

In a groundbreaking update, Pavan Davuluri, Corporate Vice President at Windows + Devices, unveils the latest feature for Copilot+ PCs – Recall. Designed to redefine how we interact with our digital workspace, Recall offers an innovative solution to instantly retrieve past activities on your PC.

What’s New?

Recall transforms the way we access our digital history. By creating a visual timeline of your screen’s activity, it allows users to effortlessly navigate through past apps, websites, images, and documents. This feature is poised to enhance productivity, creativity, and communication for its users.

Major Updates

Significant enhancements have been announced to make Recall more accessible and secure. These include a streamlined set-up process, mandatory Windows Hello enrollment, and additional privacy and security layers. These updates are a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to user privacy and security.

Privacy and Security at the Forefront

Understanding the importance of privacy in today’s digital age, Recall ensures that all snapshots are encrypted, stored, and analyzed locally. This approach not only safeguards user privacy but also leverages the device’s AI capabilities for a seamless experience.

“Our team is driven by a relentless desire to empower people through the transformative potential of AI,” says Pavan Davuluri.

Empowering Users with Choice

The introduction of Recall in preview mode highlights Microsoft’s commitment to user feedback and trust. By offering users the choice to engage with this feature early, Microsoft aims to refine Recall based on real-world usage and feedback.

“We see great utility in Recall and the problem it can solve,” Davuluri notes, emphasizing the potential of this innovative feature.

What’s Important to Know

Before the official launch on June 18, Microsoft is dedicated to enhancing the user experience based on customer feedback. The updates aim to simplify the opt-in process, ensuring that Recall is a secure, private, and user-friendly feature for all Copilot+ PC users.

As AI continues to shape the future of computing, features like Recall signify a significant leap towards a more intuitive, efficient, and secure digital experience. With these updates, Copilot+ PCs are not just the fastest and most intelligent Windows PCs ever but also the most user-centric.


  • Copilot+ PCs introduced on May 20 as the most advanced Windows PCs, focusing on productivity and creativity through AI.
  • Recall feature captures screen snapshots, creating a searchable visual timeline, all processed locally for privacy.
  • Users have full control over Recall, with options to disable, pause, or delete snapshots at any time.
  • Windows is rearchitecting with a focus on distributed computing, balancing cloud benefits and local processing privacy.
  • Updates before the June 18 launch include a clearer opt-in process and enhanced security with Windows Hello.
  • From the Windows Blog