Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26200 Unveils Taskbar Enhancements and Widget Updates: What Developers Need to Know

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****Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26200 rolls out to the Canary Channel with updates including taskbar improvements and new widget capabilities. Developers note: no SDK for Canary builds yet. Switch to Dev Channel now or face a clean install.-

“`html Exciting Updates from Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26200

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26200: What’s New?

The tech world is buzzing with the latest release from the Windows Insider Program. The Canary Channel has just been updated with Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26200, and it’s packed with changes and improvements that promise to enhance user experience significantly.

Channel Switching Advisory

First off, a crucial note for insiders: the opportunity to switch to the Dev Channel without a clean install is closing. This change comes as the Canary Channel moves to a higher build number. Insiders are encouraged to make the switch before updating to Build 26200 to avoid the need for a clean installation.

Developer’s Corner

Developers should note that, temporarily, there will be no SDK releases for the builds flighted to the Canary Channel. This pause is noteworthy for those relying on the SDK for their development work.

Enhancements and Fixes

The latest build brings back the build watermark, a small but significant reminder of the insider build’s nature. But that’s not all. Let’s dive into some of the key updates.

Widgets Get a Facelift

Widgets are becoming more interactive and user-friendly. With clearer icons and a larger set of animated icons, the taskbar’s Widgets button is getting a significant improvement. Developers now have the ability to send notifications to this button, enhancing the way users interact with custom dashboards.

“Developers can check out this documentation on how to implement this capability with their Widgets dashboards.”

For users in the European Economic Area (EEA), these widget improvements are rolling out first, offering a glimpse into the future of desktop personalization.

Taskbar and System Tray Updates

After some experimentation, the energy saver icon in the system tray for PCs without batteries has reverted to the familiar leaf design. This update, alongside fixes for issues like the dead zone next to the notification center, marks a commitment to refining the user interface for better usability.

Addressing Known Issues

Microsoft has also tackled several known issues with this build. From fixing a crash in tabtip.exe that affected text input to ensuring RemoteApp windows display correctly at 200% scaling, these updates address some of the most pressing concerns reported by insiders.

Looking Ahead

While there are exciting updates in Build 26200, it’s not without its challenges. Microsoft is actively investigating reports of some insiders experiencing issues post-update. This transparency and commitment to improvement keep the community engaged and hopeful for the future of Windows 11.

In conclusion, Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26200 is a significant step forward, offering both aesthetic and functional improvements that will surely enhance the overall user experience. As always, the insider community plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Windows, and this release is a testament to that ongoing partnership.


  • Build 26200 marks a pivotal update for Windows Insiders in the Canary Channel, emphasizing taskbar enhancements and animated icons.
  • Developers are temporarily unable to access a new SDK for the Canary Channel builds, urging a strategic channel switch to avoid clean installs.
  • Introduction of developer-friendly notifications for custom dashboards in Widgets, enhancing user interaction and control.
  • Reversion to the leaf icon for the energy saver in the system tray, following feedback on previous design changes.
  • Significant fixes include resolving a tabtip.exe crash and improving multi-desktop wallpaper customization.
  • From the Windows Blog