Maximize Your Microsoft 365 Skills at the 2024 Community Conference in Orlando: Save with Code MSCMTY

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**** Dive into the Microsoft 365 Community Conference 2024 in Orlando, Florida! Expect a keynote, 150+ sessions including 88 Microsoft-led and 7 Viva sessions, plus workshops. Use code MSCMTY for a discount.-

“`html Unveiling the Microsoft 365 Community Conference 2024: A Tech-Savvy Guide

Microsoft 365 Community Conference 2024: A Must-Attend Event

Mark your calendars for an unparalleled tech gathering! The Microsoft 365 Community Conference is set to dazzle attendees from April 30 to May 2, 2024, in Orlando, Florida. This event promises a deep dive into the latest Microsoft 365 innovations, with over 150 sessions and 18 full-day workshops.

What’s New and Noteworthy

Expect a rich lineup of sessions, including 88 Microsoft-led discussions and 7 exclusive Viva sessions. Moreover, the conference will feature an insightful Microsoft keynote, complemented by an Ask Me Anything (AMA) segment.

Major Updates and Highlights

With more than 175 product makers in attendance, the conference offers a unique opportunity to engage directly with the minds behind Microsoft 365’s latest advancements.

Why You Should Attend

This event is not just about absorbing information; it’s about connecting, learning, and evolving. Whether you’re looking to deepen your technical expertise or explore new tools, the Microsoft 365 Community Conference is where you need to be.

“The Microsoft 365 Community Conference is set to be an unforgettable gathering of tech enthusiasts, offering a deep dive into the future of productivity.”

Important Details to Know

Don’t miss out on this tech extravaganza! The conference will be held at the Swan & Dolphin Resort in Disneyworld, with pre-day and post workshops on April 28, 29, and May 3, 2024. Use the MSCMTY discount code to save $100 USD on your registration.

Stay Connected

For real-time updates and to join the conversation, follow the event on Twitter using the hashtag @M365CON. This is your chance to be part of a community that’s shaping the future of work.

As the event approaches, make sure to review all sessions, workshops, and speakers to plan your schedule. The Microsoft 365 Community Conference 2024 is more than just an event; it’s a catalyst for innovation and growth in the tech world.


  • Event dates are April 30 – May 2, 2024, with workshops on April 28, 29, and May 3.
  • Held at the Swan & Dolphin Resort in Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida.
  • Over 175+ Microsoft product makers will attend to present and engage with participants.
  • Attendees can save $100 USD on registration with the discount code MSCMTY.
  • Follow the event on Twitter using the hashtag @M365CON for live updates and discussions.
  • From the Microsoft Viva Blog