End of the Road for Maps SDK for Unity: Transition Timeline and Alternatives for Developers

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**** The Maps SDK for Unity, a Microsoft Garage project, is deprecated as of February 2024. Developers can use it until June 2024, with the service ending in March 2025. It provided tools for creating mixed reality experiences with Bing Maps 3D Data.-

“`html Exploring the Sunset of Maps SDK for Unity: What You Need to Know

End of the Road for Maps SDK for Unity

For developers and tech enthusiasts who have been leveraging the power of 3D mapping in their Unity projects, a significant change is on the horizon. Microsoft has announced the deprecation of the Maps SDK for Unity, a tool that has been instrumental in creating mixed reality experiences.

Key Dates and Deadlines

As of February 22, 2024, the Maps SDK for Unity has been marked as deprecated. Developers have until June 30, 2024, to access the SDK, with the service officially shutting down on March 1, 2025. This timeline gives users ample time to transition their projects and explore alternative solutions.

What’s New?

The Maps SDK for Unity, a Microsoft Garage project, has been a go-to resource for integrating Bing Maps 3D Data into Unity-based applications. It supported a range of devices including Hololens, Windows, and Mobile devices, making it a versatile tool for developers.

“Our team learned a lot during this experiment, and we appreciate the community’s involvement with our Microsoft Garage project.”

Major Updates

Despite its impending shutdown, the SDK’s legacy includes making it straightforward for developers to create immersive, geospatially aware applications. Its integration process, involving a few simple steps to set up and demo packaged samples, showcased the SDK’s user-friendly nature.

What’s Important to Know

For those new to the Maps SDK for Unity or looking to make the most out of it before its retirement, starting is easy. The initial setup requires installing necessary software, obtaining a Bing Maps Key, and creating a UnityID. With these steps completed, developers can download the Unity Asset Package for the Maps SDK and begin crafting their mixed reality experiences.

Preparing Unity and the Maps SDK

Setting up involves a series of straightforward steps, from software installation to importing the Unity Asset Package for the Maps SDK. The process is designed to be accessible, even for those with limited experience in Unity or mixed reality development.

“Creating a Bing Maps API key is free and the whole process takes just a few minutes.”

Transitioning away from the Maps SDK for Unity may seem daunting, but the community and resources available ensure that developers can find alternatives to continue their innovative work in mixed reality and 3D mapping.


  • The Maps SDK for Unity will be fully deprecated by March 1, 2025, after a period of availability until June 30, 2024.
  • Developers could integrate Bing Maps 3D Data into Unity-based projects for Hololens, Windows, and Mobile devices.
  • To use the Maps SDK, developers needed to install specific software, obtain a Bing Maps Key, and create a Unity ID.
  • There were two types of Bing Maps API keys available: a free basic key for small-scale or trial projects, and an Enterprise key for apps with high transaction volumes.
  • The setup process for the Maps SDK involved creating a new Unity project, importing the Unity Asset Package for the Maps SDK, and then building a mixed reality experience.
  • From the Bing Blogs