Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26100 Enhances Copilot and System Reliability for Canary and Dev Channels

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**** Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26100 is now available for Canary and Dev Channels, introducing fixes and improvements, including a more versatile Copilot experience. This build paves the way for the annual feature update, version 24H2.

“`html Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26100 Unveiled

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26100: A Glimpse into the Future

Windows enthusiasts, the future is here! The latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26100 has been released to both the Canary and Dev Channels. This simultaneous release is a rare occurrence, hinting at significant updates and improvements.

Temporary Alignment of Canary and Dev Channels

For a brief period, the Canary and Dev Channels are sharing the same build. This opens a window for Insiders in the Canary Channel to switch to the Dev Channel. However, this window won’t stay open forever.

“In the near future, the Canary Channel will jump to higher build numbers,”
the announcement states, urging users to make their channel choice soon.

What’s New in Build 26100?

The latest build introduces several changes and improvements, preparing Windows 11, version 24H2, for its release later this year. Notably, the build watermark is absent, signaling the nearing completion of this version. Yet, as the team reminds us,

“…this does not mean we’re done.”

Annual Feature Update Cadence

Windows 11 will continue its annual feature update cadence, with releases in the second half of the calendar year. This approach ensures users have access to the latest features and improvements on a predictable schedule.

Fixes for Known Issues

This build addresses several known issues, including fixes for shutdown and hibernate functions, error 0x80240067 during updates, and a DWM crash that caused screen flashes. Additionally, the updated Copilot in Windows experience has been refined, improving focus and resizing functionalities.

Known Issues and Ongoing Investigations

Despite the improvements, some issues persist. Notably, some Insiders are stuck on previous builds. The team is actively investigating, recommending a clean install for those affected. The updated Copilot in Windows experience also faces challenges with voice access, Windows Ink, and resizing issues.

Choosing Your Channel Wisely

With the Canary Channel set to jump to higher build numbers soon, now is the time to decide which channel suits your needs best. This decision will impact your access to the latest features and updates.

In conclusion, Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26100 offers a sneak peek at the future of Windows. With significant updates on the horizon and the temporary alignment of the Canary and Dev Channels, there’s never been a more exciting time to be a Windows Insider.


  • Canary and Dev Channels temporarily share Build 26100, with an upcoming split anticipated.
  • Insiders have a limited window to switch between Canary and Dev Channels before diverging build numbers.
  • Build 26100 includes a fix for shutdown and hibernate issues, enhancing system reliability.
  • The updated Copilot experience now allows for better keyboard navigation within the application.
  • Some Insiders may encounter download errors (0x80240067) for app and Windows updates, which are being addressed.
  • From the Windows Blog