Microsoft’s 2024 Event Lineup: Empowering AI Transformation with Azure Enhancements, Global AI Tour, and More

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****Microsoft announces a lineup of 2024 events aimed at AI transformation, featuring in-person, online, and on-demand participation. Highlights include Azure AI enhancements, the Microsoft AI Tour, Build, Inspire, and Ignite events.-

“`html Microsoft’s 2024 Event Lineup: Empowering AI Transformation

Get AI-Ready with Microsoft in 2024

2023 was a landmark year for Microsoft, teeming with growth and innovation. As we step into 2024, the focus sharpens on empowering customers and partners through AI transformation. Microsoft has unveiled an impactful lineup of events aimed at making your teams AI-ready.

What’s New?

Expect significant enhancements at this year’s events.

Azure AI-powered natural language assistants will now offer personalized session recommendations, content summaries, and answer your event-related queries.
Catering to a global audience, Microsoft introduces flexible participation formats — in-person, online, and on-demand.

Major Updates

Microsoft is restructuring its events to align with audience goals better, ensuring a rewarding experience for all attendees.

Microsoft AI Tour

This series of one-day, in-person experiences is designed for those at the forefront of innovation.

“So far, we’ve welcomed thousands of senior leaders and developers in six locations around the globe,”
with more stops in Berlin, Paris, São Paulo, and Seoul. These events are a melting pot of ideas on how AI will revolutionize work.

Microsoft Build

Seattle will play host to in-demand experts, distinguished engineers, and developers for the annual Microsoft Build. This technology celebration is your chance to dive into the latest in AI, copilots, and more, preparing you for the tech landscape of tomorrow.

Microsoft Inspire: The Next Chapter

July marks a new beginning for what was previously known as Microsoft Inspire. This digital engagement will set the stage for sharing strategic priorities and key program changes, paving the way for partner participation at Microsoft Ignite in November.

Microsoft Ignite

Returning to Chicago, Microsoft Ignite promises to be the biggest event of the year for customers and partners. It’s an unparalleled opportunity to explore new AI solutions, receive deep technical training, and network with the best in the industry.

As Microsoft gears up for an exciting year of events in 2024, the emphasis on AI transformation is clear. These events are not just about showcasing technology; they’re about preparing you for the future, today. Whether you’re a decision-maker, developer, or IT professional, Microsoft’s 2024 lineup is tailored to help you unlock the power of AI.


  • Microsoft’s 2024 events focus on empowering customers and partners with AI transformation.
  • Azure AI-powered assistants to enhance event experiences with personalized recommendations.
  • Microsoft AI Tour offers interactive workshops in global cities like Berlin and Seoul.
  • Microsoft Build in Seattle invites developers to explore AI innovations and new technologies.
  • Microsoft Ignite returns to Chicago, showcasing the latest in AI solutions and offering deep technical training.
  • From the The Official Microsoft Blog