Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26058 Rolls Out: Enhanced Accessibility Features and Widget Board Updates

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**** Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26058 is now available for Canary and Dev Channels, introducing a new Pointer Indicator for low vision users and enhancements to the Widgets board, including a navigation pane and notification badging.-

“`html Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26058: What’s New and Exciting

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26058 Unveiled

Exciting news for Windows enthusiasts as the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26058 has been released to the Canary and Dev Channels. This update, announced on February 14, 2024, brings a host of new features and improvements, aimed at enhancing user experience and productivity.

ISOs Available for Download

For the first time, ISOs for this build are available, allowing for a smoother installation process. Users can download the ISOs here, facilitating easier upgrades and clean installs.

Canary and Dev Channels: A Temporary Synchronization

Interestingly, both the Canary and Dev Channels are receiving the same build temporarily. This unique approach allows for simultaneous testing of a full build and a servicing update.

“Insiders in the Canary Channel will receive Build 26058.1000 while Insiders in the Dev Channel will receive Build 26058.1100 (KB5036078) as we test delivery of a full build and a servicing update at the same time.”

What’s New?

Enhanced Accessibility with Pointer Indicator

A standout feature in this release is the Pointer Indicator, designed to assist low vision users. This new accessibility setting makes the mouse cursor easier to locate, significantly improving navigation and efficiency.

To enable this experience, go to Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer and touch and enable the Pointer indicator setting. You can also search for the setting by name.

Widgets Board Improvements

The Widgets board has received a significant upgrade, offering more space for your favorite widgets. A new navigation bar allows for seamless switching between dedicated widget dashboards, enhancing the overall user experience.

Moreover, a new notification badging system for Widgets has been introduced, keeping users informed and engaged.

Important to Know

While this build brings exciting updates, it’s crucial to be aware of known issues, especially those impacting Dev Drive users and ISO upgrades. The team encourages feedback on these issues to further refine the Windows experience.

Future Developments

As the Canary and Dev Channels temporarily share the same builds, it’s important to note that this will change in the future. The Canary Channel is expected to jump to higher build numbers, closing the window for easy channel switching.

This release marks an important step in Windows 11’s evolution, focusing on accessibility, user experience, and feedback-driven improvements. As always, the Windows Insider team encourages users to share their experiences and feedback, shaping the future of Windows 11.


  • ISOs for Build 26058 are downloadable, offering a fresh installation option for Insiders.
  • Canary and Dev Channels temporarily share the same build, with future plans to diverge.
  • A new Pointer Indicator feature enhances accessibility for low vision users, making cursor location easier.
  • Widgets board receives an update with a new navigation pane for a more organized experience and easier access to favorite widgets.
  • Introduction of notification badging for Widgets to alert users to new information.
  • From the Windows Blog