In the second part of “Infra in Azure for Developers – The How”, the focus continues on infrastructure for developers. The article explores the next steps after setting up a network and a private container app environment, emphasizing the importance of developer involvement in the deployment cycle.

Infra in Azure for Developers: Unravelling the How (Part 2)
Building on the first part of our exploration into Azure infrastructure for developers, we delve deeper into the creation process in this second installment. As we continue to navigate the intricacies of Azure, we’ll uncover the importance of developers’ input in the deployment cycle.
What’s New?
Our journey in the first part left us with a network and a private container app environment. This could have been achieved by a non-programmer, but it’s in this part that your development experience might prove invaluable.
Major Updates
We’ve been implementing our infrastructure as logical layers, an approach that will continue to guide us in this part. This methodical approach ensures a more efficient and effective deployment process.
Important to Know
Remember, the deployment cycle isn’t a one-man show. It requires the keen eyes of developers to cross the finish line successfully. Their expertise is crucial in ensuring the infrastructure is not only built but also operates optimally.
“At some point in the deployment cycle, developer eyes are needed to cross the finish line.”
Stay tuned as we continue to unravel the complexities of Azure infrastructure for developers. This journey is not just about understanding the ‘how’, but also appreciating the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of Azure infrastructure.
“Still working our way through infrastructure for developers here. I’ve done the why & what. Not to mention part one of how, and now we’re back with part two of creating stuff.”
From the Azure Developer Community Blog