This article, “Infra in Azure for Developers – The How (Part 1),” focuses on the application of infra for developers in Azure. It aims to address a specific issue: the deployment of developer output, rather than providing a comprehensive tutorial on Azure infra.
Infra in Azure for Developers: Unveiling the How-To
Microsoft’s Azure has been a game-changer for developers, offering a robust platform for infrastructural deployment. Now, it’s time to delve into the ‘how’ of infra for developers.
What’s New?
Unlike generic Azure tutorials, this guide focuses on a specific aspect: the deployment of developer output. It’s not about creating a complete platform, but solving a part of the puzzle.
Important to Know
This guide is conceptual rather than a battle-hardened solution. While it aims to follow best practices, it’s not intended to be production grade.
Major Updates: Hammering Out the Infrastructure
During production, certain nuances were noticed that are worth sharing. These insights can help developers build or repurpose for other uses.
“We’ve looked at the why and what of infra for developers so now it’s time to put it into action with the how.”
“This is not meant to cover the whole gamut of Azure services – it is intended to solve an isolated part of the puzzle; namely the deployment of developer output.”
Stay tuned for more insights and practical applications in the world of Azure infra for developers. This is just the beginning of a journey into understanding and leveraging Azure’s potential.
From the Azure Developer Community Blog