Exploring Employee Engagement in Retail: Insights from Microsoft Viva People Science’s Fourth Industry Trends Edition

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The fourth edition of Microsoft Viva People Science industry trends explores the state of employee engagement in the retail industry. The Viva People Science team shares insights from customers across various industries, drawing on data from over 150 countries and 10 million employees.

Unveiling Viva People Science Industry Trends: Retail

Welcome to the latest installment of Microsoft Viva People Science industry trends. In this edition, we delve into the retail industry, sharing insights and learnings drawn from a vast pool of data.

Unprecedented Data Scope

Our insights are based on data from over 150 countries, 10 million employees, and millions of survey comments. This extensive reach allows us to uncover unique employee experience challenges and best practices across various industries.

State of Employee Engagement in Retail

In collaboration with @Jamie_Cunningham, we’re shedding light on the state of employee engagement in the retail industry. We also offer access to a recent live webinar recording where we discussed this topic in depth.

What’s Impacting the Retail Industry Today?

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s take a look at the broader factors impacting the retail industry today. Stay tuned for a comprehensive summary of these factors.

“Welcome to the fourth edition of Microsoft Viva People Science industry trends, where the Viva People Science team share learnings from customers across a range of different industries.”
“Our insights are based on data from over 150 countries, 10 million employees, and millions of survey comments.”

  • Microsoft Viva People Science industry trends is in its fourth edition.
  • The focus of this edition is on the retail industry’s employee engagement.
  • Insights are shared from customers across a range of different industries.
  • Data used for analysis spans over 150 countries and includes 10 million employees.
  • The team also discussed the topic in a recent live webinar.
  • From the Microsoft Viva Blog