Microsoft and The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center Collaborate to Digitize History: Preserving Coretta Scott King’s Legacy for Future Generations

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Microsoft, under the leadership of CEO Satya Nadella, is partnering with The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change to digitize and preserve artifacts from the King archives. This initiative aims to honor Mrs. Coretta Scott King’s legacy and make these important pieces of history accessible to future generations.

Microsoft Partners with The King Center to Digitize Artifacts

Microsoft, under the leadership of Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella, is partnering with The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (The King Center) to digitize artifacts from the King archives. This initiative aims to preserve these important pieces of history for future generations.

Preserving Mrs. Coretta Scott King’s Legacy

The project also seeks to honor the incredible legacy of Mrs. Coretta Scott King. As Microsoft’s Chief Diversity Officer and Corporate Vice President of Talent Development, Lindsay-Rae McIntyre, states:

“Mrs. Coretta Scott King’s efforts, determination, and perseverance in her pursuit of social justice are instructive for us all. Her legacy is a reminder that we have the power to create an inclusive world for everyone, but that it must be done through focus, and it takes every one of us.”

Microsoft’s Commitment to Inclusion

Microsoft’s support for The King Center in this digitization and preservation project underscores the company’s commitment to inclusion. The initiative encourages everyone to learn more about Mrs. King’s vision and commitment to change, and to take action for inclusion.

Interactive Virtual Coretta Scott King Rose Gallery

As part of the project, an interactive virtual Coretta Scott King Rose Gallery has been created. This gallery allows users to learn more about Mrs. King’s vision and commitment to change.

“Preserving the artifacts from the King archives is a powerful step towards ensuring that the legacy of Mrs. Coretta Scott King and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continues to inspire and educate future generations,” said Kamlesh Mohod, an Experienced Strategic Leader Driving Sales Growth, Market Development, and Brand Equity.

Microsoft’s partnership with The King Center is a meaningful initiative that not only preserves important historical artifacts but also promotes social justice and inclusion.

  • Microsoft is collaborating with The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.
  • The partnership involves digitizing artifacts from the King archives.
  • The initiative aims to preserve these historical materials for future generations.
  • This project is part of an effort to honor the legacy of Mrs. Coretta Scott King.
  • Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO, is an influential figure behind this initiative.
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