The eleventh installment of “The Twelve Days of Blog-mas” on Microsoft Community Hub is a collection of lesser-known but significant topics. Michael Hildebrand discusses on-prem app provisioning and MIM Connector re-use, among other things.
The Twelve Days of Blog-mas: No.11 – The Kitchen Sink
Microsoft’s Tech Community is a buzzing hub, offering a wealth of information on a variety of topics. In the spirit of the holiday season, we’re diving into the eleventh day of ‘Blog-mas’ with a plethora of topics that are both important and less-known.
On-prem App Provisioning + MIM Connector Re-use
For a long time, tech enthusiasts have been anticipating the ability to provision on-prem users/apps and re-use existing MIM connectors. The good news is, there’s significant progress in this area, albeit with a few caveats.
“For a loooong time, we have been waiting for the ability to provision on-prem users/apps as well as re-use existing MIM connectors. There are some caveats but there is good progress here.”
Microsoft Entra on-premises application provisioning architecture
Microsoft Entra is a tool designed to streamline the process of on-premises application provisioning. However, it’s important to note that it currently does not support AD provisioning.
What’s New and What’s Important
The Microsoft Tech Community is always evolving, with new features and updates regularly rolled out to improve user experience and functionality. This blog post is a testament to that, highlighting less-known yet significant updates.
“I am running out of days for my “Twelve Days” timeframe, so I’m dropping a pile of topics here that I feel are important/helpful but less-known.”
In conclusion, the Microsoft Tech Community is a valuable resource for tech-savvy individuals, providing a platform to connect, learn, and stay updated with the latest developments in the tech world. The ‘Twelve Days of Blog-mas’ series is a perfect example of this, offering a deep dive into a variety of important, albeit less-known topics.
From the Core Infrastructure and Security Blog