Boost Your Website Traffic: Wix Integrates IndexNow for Faster Content Indexing on Premium Sites

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Wix, the leading cloud-based web development platform, now supports IndexNow for all its premium sites. This feature allows Wix users to quickly update their latest content in search engine results, driving more traffic to their sites. The integration with IndexNow is part of Wix’s collaboration with Microsoft Bing, aiming to provide exceptional SEO solutions.

Wix Embraces IndexNow for Speedy Content Indexing

Cloud-based web development platform, Wix, has announced its support for IndexNow across all its premium sites. This integration allows for faster content indexing, enhancing SEO and driving more customers to Wix user sites.

What’s New?

Wix now automatically notifies IndexNow of new, updated, and deleted URLs. This means that Wix customers can swiftly reflect their latest content changes in search engine results. No further action is required from SEOs or site owners.

“We’re excited to release the integration with IndexNow as part of our collaboration with Microsoft Bing,” said Einat Hoobian-Seybold, Product Lead at Wix. “This integration marks yet another step in our dedication to providing users with exceptional out-of-the-box SEO solutions, simplifying the process of promoting their websites quickly and effortlessly.”

Why is IndexNow Important?

IndexNow is an initiative by major search engines to provide a simple and standardized way for websites to notify them of content changes. Instead of relying on crawling or sitemaps, websites can send a single HTTP request to the IndexNow API with the URL of the content they want to index. The search engines then process the request and update their indexes accordingly.

Major Updates

IndexNow’s adoption continues to gain momentum as more websites and platforms adopt the protocol. Today, over 60 million websites are publishing more than 1.4 billion URLs per day to the IndexNow API. Interestingly, 12% of all new URLs clicked in web search results are first discovered in IndexNow.

“We are thrilled to welcome Wix to the IndexNow community and look forward to seeing how their customers leverage this powerful feature to grow their online presence and business.” – Fabrice Canel, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft Bing

To learn more about IndexNow and how it works, visit IndexNow. To start using Wix with IndexNow, visit Wix.

  • Wix now supports IndexNow for all its premium sites, enabling faster content indexing.
  • Wix automatically notifies IndexNow of new, updated, and deleted URLs, reflecting changes quickly in search engines.
  • Integration with IndexNow is part of Wix’s collaboration with Microsoft Bing.
  • IndexNow is an initiative by major search engines to provide a simple and standardized way for websites to notify them of their content change.
  • More than 60 million websites are publishing over 1.4 billion URLs per day to the IndexNow API.
  • From the Bing Blogs