Exploring the Latest Features of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.2191 and 22631.2191: HDR Background Support and Multilingual Narrator Voices

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Windows Insider Blog announces the release of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.2191 and Build 22631.2191. The new builds include features such as HDR background support and Narrator natural voices in multiple languages. Insiders can choose to update to the build with the new features.

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.2191 and 22631.2191 Unveiled

Exciting news for Windows Insiders as the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.2191 and Build 22631.2191 (KB5029336) are released to the Beta Channel. These new builds introduce a host of innovative features, some of which are turned on by default, while others are off.

What’s New in Build 22631.2191

Build 22631.2191 is packed with new features that are rolling out, while Build 22621.2191 has new features that are off by default. Insiders who were previously on Build 22624 will be automatically moved to Build 22631 via an enablement package.

HDR Background Support

One of the standout features in Build 22631.2191 is HDR Background Support. Users can now set JXR files as their desktop background. If your device has an HDR display, they will render in full HDR.

“You can now set JXR files to be your desktop background and if you have an HDR display, they will render in full HDR.”

Narrator Natural Voices

Another noteworthy addition is the introduction of new natural voices in French, Portuguese, English (India), German, and Korean for Narrator users. These voices use modern, on-device text to speech and are supported without an internet connection once downloaded.

“We are introducing new natural voices in French, Portuguese, English (India), German and Korean that allow Narrator users to comfortably browse the web, read, and write mail, and do more.”

What’s Important to Know

It’s important to note that the enablement package artificially increments the build number for the update with new features getting rolled out. This approach is being used for the Beta Channel only and is not indicative of any changes or plans for final feature rollouts.

Insiders who landed in the group with new features turned off by default (Build 22621.xxxx) can check for updates and choose to install the update that will have features rolling out (Build 22631.xxxx).

Stay tuned for more updates as Windows continues to innovate and enhance user experience.

  • Release of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22621.2191 and Build 22631.2191.
  • Build 22631.2191 includes new features, while Build 22621.2191 has new features turned off by default.
  • Introduction of HDR Background Support, allowing users to set JXR files as their desktop background.
  • Introduction of Narrator Natural Voices in French, Portuguese, English (India), German, and Korean.
  • Insiders previously on Build 22624 will be automatically moved to Build 22631 via an enablement package.
  • From the Windows Blog