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Microsoft Intune Support Team provides guidance on how to transition to the reports API for app reporting. Learn how to update your reporting automation and scripts for apps reporting to utilize the reports API to improve accuracy and consistency.

Retrieving Intune Apps Reporting Data from Microsoft Graph Beta API

In March 2023, Microsoft notified customers via MC531735 that they may need to take action to update their reporting automation and scripts for apps reporting to utilize the reports API by mid-May 2023. The documented APIs leverage the newer reporting infrastructure to improve accuracy and consistency in app reporting.

Using the Reports API

The Export Intune reports using Graph APIs documentation explains how to export the reports that have export functionality. The columns (based on the report name) that can be requested in “select” can be found in the Intune reports and properties available using Graph API documentation.

Transitioning to the Reports API for App Reporting

The following table demonstrates how to transition to the reports API for app reporting:

Report NameMobile apps API (old)Export reports for apps API (new)
TopFailedMobileApps/deviceManagement/mobileApps/getTopMobileApps(status={status}, count={count})/deviceManagement/reports/getFailedMobileAppsReport
AppInstallStatusAggregate/deviceManagement/mobileApps/with install summary expanded/deviceManagement/reports/getAppsInstallSummaryReport

Note that the following Intune app reports are not available through the export functionality. In these scenarios, you can call the report directly through the Graph API:

  • Number of failed apps
  • Top number of apps with the highest install failures
  • Overview of installation status for one app

Examples of How to Use the Reports APIs

Below are a few examples of how to use the report’s APIs. Please note that applicationId is a required filter for any report based on an application. You can also view these reports in the Microsoft Intune admin center user interface and use a network trace to see what the requests look like.

Example 1: FailedAppCounts report

Method – POST
Request Body – {filter: “”}
Response – {“TotalRowCount”:1,”Schema”:[{“Column”:”Count”, “PropertyType”:”Int64″}],”Values”:[[1]],”SessionId”:””}

Example 2: TopFailedMobileApps report

Method – POST
Request Body – {top: 3, orderBy: [“FailedDeviceCount desc”]}
Response – {“TotalRowCount”:

Key points from the article:

  • Learn how to transition to the reports API for app reporting
  • Update reporting automation and scripts for apps reporting to utilize the reports API
  • View reports in the Microsoft Intune admin center user interface
  • Use a network trace to see what the requests look like
  • Follow documented instructions to export Intune reports using Graph APIs

From the Intune Customer Success articles