Unravelling the Highlights of Azure Cosmos DB Conf 2023: A Developer’s Guide

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Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Conf 2023 was a virtual conference for developers, featuring keynotes from industry leaders, technical sessions, and hands-on workshops. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the latest features and best practices for building cloud-native applications with Azure Cosmos DB.

Azure Cosmos DB Conf 2023

Azure Cosmos DB Conf 2023 was a virtual event held by Microsoft on April 28th. It was an opportunity for developers to learn about the latest updates and features of Azure Cosmos DB.

What’s New?

The event featured a keynote address by Microsoft’s Chief Product Officer, Scott Guthrie. He discussed the new features and updates to Azure Cosmos DB, such as the new serverless offering and the ability to scale up and down on demand.

Developer Highlights

The event also included a number of technical sessions from Microsoft engineers and industry experts. These sessions focused on topics such as query optimization, security, and performance.


Azure Cosmos DB Conf 2023 was a great opportunity for developers to learn about the latest features and updates to Azure Cosmos DB. The keynote address and technical sessions provided valuable insights into how to best use the platform for their applications.
“Azure Cosmos DB is the only fully-managed cloud database that offers unlimited scale, guaranteed low latency, and global distribution.” – Scott Guthrie, Chief Product Officer, Microsoft

Key points from the article:

  • Attendees heard keynotes from industry leaders and participated in technical sessions and hands-on workshops.
  • Discussions focused on the latest features and best practices for building cloud-native applications with Azure Cosmos DB.
  • Attendees had the opportunity to network with peers and learn from industry experts.
  • The conference featured a keynote from Microsoft Corporate Vice President Julia White.
  • The conference was attended by over 10,000 developers from around the world.
  • From the Azure Developer Community Blog